Ep 60: Go To SLEEP!!!, Fridge Psycho & Paranoid Hubby!

Uncle SI & Uncle Dave solve Chatty Lovers, Scary Fridge Freaks & Paranoid Partners.

In their line of work, Uncle Si & Uncle Dave have seen it all. If you watch them on TV you've probably seen all of them too!! In the Agony Uncles podcast however, it's all about YOU and together with Posh Tash and The Thin White Duke, they're here to solve those problems using their years of experience!

Things like The Paranoid Hubby, tricked by his wife into being VERY attentive, or the Problem with Pricks.....Of course there's always a Fridge Psycho to put you on edge too and then there's the partner who just wants to Roll Over & Sleep after a bit of how's-your-father, but it's not what you think!

Write in with your worries, confidentiality is assured, just email AgonyUncles@TheHairyBikers.co.uk

Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Whatever that means. I find lemons quite firm......hmmm.......

Ep 60: Go To SLEEP!!!, Fridge Psycho & Paranoid Hubby!

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In this week's episode Uncles' Si & Dave answered a question from one of Agony Uncles' listeners who wanted to know whether to 'prick' or not!

Uncle Si, provided a cooking tips for Lincolnshire sausages followed with Uncle Dave talking about a Cumberland ring wrapped around an apple.

If this has created interest in cooking the good ol' English banger, check out these recipes below, all can be found on our website.