Ep 68: Old Flames, Bread & Work Stress

Uncle SI & Uncle Dave tackle crumbly dough, past loves and the feminine side....

Fresh from riding the roads of bonnie Scotland filming the new TV show, The Hairy Bikers are back, in their guise of The Agony Uncles.

Marvel as they solve issues with bread in Soya Sorrow as well as Work Stress, something none of us enjoy!

Then there's the Old Flame burning in the back of someone's mind and finally the man who would like to be more in touch with his Feminine Side.

There's no doubting their abilities to help, so join in, with an e-mail to AgonyUncles@TheHairyBikers.co.uk.


Ep 68: Old Flames, Bread & Work Stress

In this week's episode Paul wrote in to the Agony Uncles studio with a dilemma he had with his bread making using soya flour. Both Uncles' Si & Dave gave some sound advice and hopefully will help him re-think his flours.

The Hairy Bikers team have delved into the recipe archives and found a video of Dave making sourdough.

To view the video, simply follow this link to our Facebook page - https://fb.watch/lbW9FIfg3a/ (apologies in advance if you are not on Facebook).

Ep 68: Old Flames, Bread & Work Stress

Classic brown loaf

We also have our classic brown loaf recipe on the website that is easy to make. Or, if you just want to bake some basic bread rolls, just click on the highlighted texts for the recipes.

Ep 68: Old Flames, Bread & Work Stress

Basic Bread Rolls

The Hairy Bikers Brilliant Bakes book has as you would expect a number of bread recipes, and for those who are looking for gluten-free options.

You can always follow and play catch-up on our podcasts from this link