Episode 53: Caught In The Act by Mum & Dad!, Beards for 2 year olds & Pastry!

Uncle Si & Uncle Dave help with Mid-Shag Facetimes, Food Nicking & Bum Fluff Blues

Episode 53: Caught In The Act by Mum & Dad!, Beards for 2 year olds & Pastry!

Always a delight, never a chore, the Agony Uncles are here, back for more. Yes, those Hairy Bikers Uncle Si & Uncle Dave together with The Thin White Duke but sadly missing Posh Tash this week, do their best with Embarrased Parents who saw things on Facetime that NO PARENT SHOULD SEE! Plus Beard Blues with a teenage biker wannabe and a 2 year old GIRL who wants to look like a Hairy Biker!!

Oh and Pastry.

Email the team, AgonyUncles@TheHairyBikers.co.uk

They will lighten the load, in a tasty way.

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Mentioned in this week's podcast

Novelty Si King and Dave Myers facemasks - available direct from Amazon by clicking on these links:

Recipes from the Brilliant Bakes Recipe Book