Lancashire Hotpot

This to us is the ultimate comforting stew. Our hotpot although very traditional uses good black pudding and kidneys, which makes it rich and irresistible.

Lancashire Hotpot

Lancashire Hotpot | 📷 Andrew Hayes-Watkins


4-6 people.


  • 1kg neck of lamb, or good chump chops boned and diced
  • 2 black pudding rings (skinned and sliced)
  • 4 lambs kidneys (cored and trimmed into quarters)
  • 2 onions sliced
  • 1kg of good old potatoes peeled and sliced
  • 1 tbsp plain flour
  • 1 dessert spoon Worcestershire sauce
  • A sprig of thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 250ml lamb stock made from lamb stock pots or cubes
  • Season to taste
  • 50g butter in cubes


  1. Warm the olive oil and brown the lamb and kidneys, then set aside.

  2. In the same pan with the remaining meat juices and residue, add the onion and half a teaspoon of salt to draw out the moisture, and sweat for a couple of minutes.

  3. Add the flour and coat the onions.

  4. Add the stock to the pan along with the thyme, bay leaves and Worcestershire sauce. Stir and simmer for 8–10 minutes, or until thickened slightly.

  5. Butter a lidded casserole dish and first lay a layer of potatoes on the bottom of the dish. Add half the lamb and kidney mixture.

  6. To this, add a layer of black pudding slices, about half will do. Pour over half the gravy.

  7. Then cover with a layer of potato slices, and as before a layer of meat then black pudding, then the gravy. Season the potatoes as you go.

  8. The top layer of potatoes can be arranged as carefully as you like to make a nice scalloped pattern or funky circles.

  9. Dot with butter cubes.

  10. Cover with the lid and place in a pre-heated oven, 180C for 20 minutes, then take off the lid and cook for a further 20 minutes until the top layer of spuds is golden. Ecky thump lad this is champion.