Ep 61: Facetime Sex Fail, Teenager WiFi Tantrum & Bread!

Uncle Si & Uncle Dave ponder Bedtime Mum Bother, Teenage Terrors & Staying In!

Well, here they are again, happy as can be... Uncle Si & Uncle Dave, The Hairy Bikers in their caring, sharing guise of The Agony Uncles.

And when they have problems to solve like The Facetime Sex Fail complete with uninvited guest...their Mum! you know it's going to be a busy one.

Then there's the Staying In/Going Out dilemma, or the Teenage Tantrum over the internet, or lack of it.....

There's always food for thought... like Bread Bother... I mean, they are the experts.

Oh and don't forget the new book is out NOW. Just click on the book image below for more details...


Ep 61: Facetime Sex Fail, Teenager WiFi Tantrum & Bread!

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In Cookery Korner this week, Hayley wrote in to say that she is suffering from 'Bread Bother'. Uncles Si & Dave as always imparted their sound advice on making bread. You can discover some of their exciting recipes in the Brilliant Bakes cookery book from the following link - The Hairy Bikers Brilliant Bakes

Ep 61: Facetime Sex Fail, Teenager WiFi Tantrum & Bread!

If you fancy trying some of our tasty bread recipes, then check these out -

Cloud Bread from Hairy Dieters Simple Healthy Food

Irish Soda Bread from Brilliant Bakes

Nann Bread from Great Curries

Simple Basic Bread from Brilliant Bakes