In this EXCLUSIVE Bikers' blog, Si and Dave explain the forthcoming Hairy Dieters series, why they took on the challenge and the key to healthy weight-loss, Hairy Biker style...
“Everyone knows we love our food – nothing wrong with that, you might say. And, no, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a little bit of what you fancy. But we were having A LOT of what we fancied, ALL the time, and the weight was creeping on. And, much as we might fight admitting to middle age, there it was for everyone to see around our middles. In truth, the travelling, tasting and constant generosity of the people we meet on our adventures were really taking their toll.
"A few months ago, when we returned from filming a series in the USA, we were both told that we needed to think seriously about losing some weight for health reasons. We were both on medication for high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and we were advised by medical professionals to do something about it. It got to a stage where it was simply a case of needing to protect our health, as we were heading down a risky road. Our families were also expressing concern, as both of our weights had continued to head upwards over the years.
"The opportunity then arose to make a TV programme about weight-loss and it was just the push we needed. The only difference between our weight-loss and that of others is that we chose to do it publicly in front of a camera, for all to watch. We see the series as being an invitation into our private lives – what our motivations were, how we did it, how we coped and how our families reacted.
"The key thing that we held onto from start to finish is the fact that our core values about eating haven’t changed at all. We’re still as keen and as passionate about food as we have always been. The whole reason for doing the series was to get down to a safe weight and maintain that weight… but it certainly doesn’t mean that we aren’t going to eat pies, drink beer, bake bread or cakes and continue to share our passion for good, honest, wholesome food.
"The whole purpose for us has been to get down to a maintainable weight, and enjoy the food that we’ve always cooked and loved. If we want to eat a steak and kidney pudding and have four pints of beer, we will. But it just means for a couple of days after that, we will have to be a bit more careful about what we eat.
"The recipes in the show and in the accompanying book are great recipes in their own right. The taste and depths of flavours, and our Hairy Biker twist, are all there. It really is irrelevant that these recipes happen to be less calorific because, when it comes down to it, it’s just bloody good food.
"We realised there were loads of blokes (and probably some ladies too) in a similar position to us who would really welcome the opportunity to turn things around without having to do anything too drastic… and if we can stop the onset of heart attacks, strokes, and type 2 diabetes, whilst encouraging people to still eat delicious grub, then it has been a very worthwhile experience - and not just for us.
"We sincerely hope you enjoy the journey that we have been on because we’ve done it with openness, integrity and honesty… and I’m sure you’ll see this through the series and book. It’s a big cheers from us to health, happiness, and great food.”