Great news the Bikers are back with a brand new four part series for BBC2 and this time they are taking on a huge challenge - How do you love food and lose weight?
On their journey the boys will join forces with the men and women of Britain to find ways of creating food that satisfies their lust for tasty cooking and answers the demands of the doctors and nutritionists who want them to make less of themselves. The boys hope that what starts with a mighty weigh-in will end in triumph, lessons learned and trousers taken in.
"We're two blokes who love food," say the Hairy Bikers. "As we've always said, 'We're not this shape for nowt.' Last year we spent four months sampling the finest patisseries in Europe. We had a blinding good time, but it has left both of us with a bit of a spare tyre. It's time to get that punctured in a way that is sensible and sustainable.
"Making this series is going to be a real challenge for us both, and we each have our own very personal reasons for wanting to change our eating habits, which will become evident in the programme.
"It's our way of being responsible and aware of the problems so many people have with health and diet, and the first stop is ourselves. But it's not a U-turn, it's more of a detour and we hope lots of viewers will join us in our journey to shed those extra pounds that make our waistlines strain sometimes..."